Luz Del Carmen Lopez

Hi Durga, Thank you for everything. I have a great time in Nepal. The volunteering in the village and in the school teach me a lot of things. Amrit’s Family was Fantastic, they were very accommodating with. I learned little Nepali however I think they learned more English. Raju and Prem were also very helpful […]

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Pablo G. Capistrano (Spain)

I have spent three months and half in Nepal, for almost two months collaborating with Future Nepal, my experience was great from the first day I arrived, Durga and all the family were so nice and welcoming, the project in Kathmandu at Himalaya School and the library and after at the Eco-Park in Chitwan were […]

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Luz Del Carmen Lopez (Mexico)

Name: Luz del Carmen López Gender: female Country: Mexico Program: Future Nepal (teaching english)   1, What did your average day look like? In avarege my day was in the school all day, then in the evening enjoying with the family I was living with. 2, Other things I did on my placement. Hiking and […]

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Philip Yeung (Hong Kong)

I joined the health and Sanitation program for 3 weeks and most of my time spent in the health post was spent taking the blood pressure and temperature of the patients who come. I would also observe the Auxiliary Health workers (knowledgeable individuals who would take on the job of a Physician even though they […]

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Emily Tsai

Thank you so much for everything!! I had a wonderful time in Nepal visiting Kathmandu, volunteering at Clinic in Meghauli- Chitwan and trekking. I felt so welcome here, and I am greatful for all of your help organizing my first visit to Nepal. I hope to return soon, and I hope to see you again!! […]

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