
Name: Elena Gender: Female Country: Spain Program: Teaching English in School 1. What did your average day look like? I got up at 8 or 10(depends of the day). I had breakfast in Durga’s place at 10-11. At 12:00 I went to the monastery to practice Spanish with Namdak. Namdak is a monk who went […]

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Luis Miguel Gonzalez

Name: Luis Miguel Gonzalez Country: Spain, Barcelona Program: Teaching in Monastery and helping to orphans Before to start my project, I stayed 2 or 3 days in the tourist area of Kathmandu and Durga made me the volunteer card and taught me some words and expressions in Nepalese. Although the people normally understand English, is […]

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Annie Merkley

Name : Annie Merkley Gender: Female Country: Spain Program: Women Empowerment and teaching English 1. What did your average day look like? My average day here was very varied I arrived during festival, so many of the schools were on break. This however gave me ample time to get lesson plans organized for the monastery […]

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Yuriy Budenko

Name: Yuriy Budenko Country: Spain Program: Teaching in Monastery 1. What did your average day look like? Get up at 6:30am, Breakfast at 7:00. Moring Puja or preparing to lesson. Lunch at 11:30am. Dinner at 6pm. Free time. Gates closed at 8pm. 2. Other things I did on my placement. Clean up room. Playing with […]

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Pieere Li

It was my first voluntary experience in my whole life and I will never forget about it. Bishnu and Durga are so kind and enthusiastic couples. You are contributing the voluntary activities, you are helping for the children and i have learned a lot from you. Best wish!

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