
Future Nepal Friendship Organization: Empowering Communities Through Volunteerism

Welcome to Future Nepal Friendship Organization, a dedicated non-profit volunteer organization that has been making a lasting impact in Nepal since its inception in 2002. We are proud to be registered with the Social Welfare Council, operating as a non-governmental organization committed to driving positive societal change through active volunteerism.

Our Mission:

At Future Nepal, we firmly believe in the transformative power of volunteerism. Our core mission is to change and elevate the status of Nepal through collective volunteer efforts. Over the years, we have garnered extensive experience in volunteer work, gaining a deep understanding of the challenges facing Nepalese society.

Our Diverse Volunteer Programs:

Our volunteer programs cover a wide array of critical areas, including rural volunteering, education for underprivileged children, organic farming, healthcare initiatives, teaching in monasteries, women’s empowerment, and environmental awareness. These programs serve as vehicles for community upliftment, providing educational opportunities, improving healthcare access, promoting sustainable agriculture, empowering women, and fostering environmental consciousness.

Community-Centric Collaboration:

To achieve our goals, we work closely with local communities, organizations, and stakeholders. This collaborative approach ensures the effectiveness and sustainability of our initiatives. Our aim is to develop long-term solutions that tackle the root causes of social challenges while empowering individuals and communities to thrive.

Join Our Global Volunteer Network:

Future Nepal warmly welcomes volunteers from all corners of the world who share our vision for positive change. Whether you are a student, professional, or retiree, we offer diverse opportunities to contribute your time, skills, and expertise. By becoming part of our volunteer network, you can directly engage with communities in need, immerse yourself in Nepalese culture, and make a tangible impact on the lives of individuals and communities.

Our Commitment to Transparency and Impact:

Transparency, accountability, and ethical practices are at the core of our organization. We maximize the use of resources to ensure the sustainability and meaningful impact of our programs. The success of Future Nepal is rooted in the dedication, commitment, and hard work of our volunteers, partners, and supporters who contribute to our shared vision.

Together, Let’s Brighten Nepal’s Future:

Join Future Nepal today and embark on a transformative journey that empowers individuals, strengthens communities, and leaves a lasting legacy of positive change. Together, we can create a brighter future for Nepal. Join us in our mission to make a difference!


Government Registration Details

Future Nepal – Govt. Regd: 241

Social Welfare Council: 30840

Nepal Government Tax No.: 601339408


“I was very happy with teaching in Nepal. The Nepal classes were excellent I just wish I was a faster learner, Durga you an excellent teacher. Sita and the family looked after us so well. The house was perfect and it was a delight to be mound so much greenery and animals. The principle of paramount school is very nice and hospitable person.” Robin Kabir -UK More

“Thank you so much for everything!! I had a wonderful time in Nepal visiting Kathmandu, volunteering at Clinic Nepal in Meghauli- Chitwan and trekking. I felt so welcome here, and I am grateful for all of your help organizing my first visit to Nepal. I hope to return soon, and I hope to see you again!! You are such a warm, welcoming person. I wish you the best for the future. Thank you again!! Emily Tsai –New York”

Get Involved Today !

Volunteer, Intern, Fundraise, Donate, Sponsor and Promote

Volunteers have the opportunity to participate in our variety of educational and community aid programs. This will give you a chance to make an important contribution to the people of Nepal and while doing so gain an in-depth experience of the country and its culture, which will stay with you the rest of your life.